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Healing Mantra Concert 2010

Healing Mantra ConcertThe Healing Mantra Concert brings together The Australian Voices, Tashi Lhunpo Monks of TIBET and Tibetan musician, Tenzin Choegyal in a concert that will include singing Mantras to create thought energy waves, bring peace to the mind through self realization and connect us to our subconscious mind.

The Australian Voices is a national group of highly awarded young singers who have toured the globe to represent the spirit of Australian music alongside some of the world’s great musicians such as Jose Carreras, Bobby McFerrin (“Don’t Worry, Be Happy”) and Evelyn Glennie. Tashi Lhunpo Monks will join this concert

Mystical Tibet Concert 2010

Mystical Tibet ConcertMystical Tibet Concert brings rarely seen sacred dances and chants of The Tashi Lhunpo Monks of TIBET and evocative and haunting musical collaboration of Brisbane’s string chamber orchestra, Camerata of St John’s and Tibetan musician, Tenzin Choegyal.

Camerata of St John’s a group of talented, professional Australian string players. Performing without a conductor, Camerata is known for its verve, stylish presentations, and innovative programming. Acclaimed performances provide enduring and treasured memories for its dedicated audience, players and guest artists. From its home in the heart of the emerging cultural city of Brisbane, Camerata adds a refreshing perspective to the nation’s artistic life.

Tenzin Choegyal‘s voice and musical talents are unique and mesmerizing. Tenzin draws on his traditional Tibetan roots to create original compositions which express his devotion to his cultural heritage. Recently at a US concert, a listener described hearing Tenzin Choegyal sing live as ‘heaven on earth’. His voice and music however are only part of his story. Tenzin was born in Tibet, escaped to Nepal and was raised in exile in Dharamsala, India. As a child, Tenzin would listen to his mother singing in the nomadic style of Tibet and he attributes much of his passion for that genre to her early influence.

… in the between – Meditations and Illuminations on the ‘Tibetan Book of the Dead’

...in the between

‘…in the between’ brings together four of Australia’s finest multi-cultural collaborators in a highly original interpretation of `The Tibetan Book of the Dead’. Using selected readings combined with musical meditations and sound illuminations, this theatrical and musical experience provides an insight into how we can prepare for the mind’s release from the body and the experiences of ‘the between’. The ‘Bardo Thotrol’ (The Great Liberation through Hearing in the Between) text was originally composed by Padmasambhava in the 14th century. It was buried in central Tibet and later discovered by Terton (treasure revealer) Karma-Lingpa. “Although this book is ostensibly written for the dead, it is in fact about life” Francesca Fremantle (author of Luminous Emptiness and co-translator with Chogyam Trungpa of The Tibetan Book of the Dead).

Further info about Trikaya here.